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Wit and Wisdom: Inspiration for Living Fully

Spoiler alert, again: I am a proud member of the Robert S Hartman Institute . I have studied Hartman, and even though he died in 1972, his writings have so much to say about the modern world. His basic philosophy is easy enough: Intrinsic is greater than Extrinsic is greater than Systemic. Putting it a different way, People are more important than Tasks are more important than Systems. People first. I have reviewed another book, Freedom to Live: The Robert Hartman Story, that you can find by following the link. Once you understand his background the quotes in Wit and Wisdom become much more meaningful.

Wit and Wisdom is exactly as the title would indicate: quotes and bits of wisdom that everyone us can you use in our daily life. I recommend getting a daily dose of Hartman for full effect. Read one or two passages each day and ruminate on the meaning of the passage and how you can apply it. Then, if you are so inclined, take a moment and go to your journal and write your thoughts down. I enjoyed the bite-sized nuggets of wisdom and know you will as well.


Robert S. Hartman


Izzard Publishing



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