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What's Chip Reading?

Wealth Warrior: The Personal Prosperity Revolution

I have never been a fan of resolutions. Every year we make the same old resolutions: become financially independent/stable/debt free, lose weight/eat healthy, give back more to the community, spend more time with family. What changes? We start out with the best intentions, life gets busy and we get distracted.

Steve Chandler’s book is another in the long list of books to help you get motivated to make meaningful changes in your life. He gives you a possible roadmap to make commitments to yourself and keep them going. It is one of a thousand different takes on how to remove the roadblocks that are getting in your way of getting what you want.

It is an easy read, like a lot of books. The author tells great stories on himself in the hope of getting you to take action. And that is the point of any of these books. Find a book or a philosophy you like and TAKE ACTION! Reading a book never gets you anywhere until you do so. Ten percent of you will read this book and make change happen. Ten percent of you will read this book and never get around to implementing positive change. Eighty percent won’t read the book and wonder “what happened?”.

Wealth Warrior is a good book, and I enjoyed reading it. It agrees with my world view. It is a great way to start 2017! Now get out there are make something happen!


Steve Chandler


Maurice Bassett Publishing



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