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Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders

“Turn the Ship Around!” is another in the series of books by military leaders taking their philosophies to the private sector. Marquet has a really unique leadership style, though. Marquet did not lead by issuing orders and doubting his team. He led by allowing individuals to lead. He allowed the men and women on his submarine the autonomy to make their own decisions and use their best judgement. Each decision can have life and death consequences. The trust and belief in his team to make the right decisions enabled them to do just that.

Tom Peters was quoted as saying: “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.” Command and control might work in some situations, but the “leader-follower” model is fast losing favor, especially as the work force trends younger. Marquet was successful in creating more leaders, and in so doing took a sub from worst to first. It is a fascinating story with real world takeaways.

My coaching style agrees with this model. In my upcoming book, “Clear Conduct” talks about it in depth. I enjoyed reading “Turn the Ship Around” and I know you will too.


L. David Marquet





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