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Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us

Ostensibly, this is a book about leadership. If you are looking for another “how to” book on the best way to lead, you will be sadly disappointed. On the other hand, if you are looking for the “why” behind leadership, social media and getting others to follow you, then you need to read Tribes by Seth Godin.

According to Godin, a tribe is any group of people, large or small, who are connected to one another, a leader and an idea. If we are good at what we do, we create tribes around us. Our employees should be part of the tribe. Our vendors, customers and others are part of the tribe. The more effective we are at building tribes, the more success we can have in our business and our life.

I have never really understood the “why” of social media. The book opens up the possibility of the “why” that makes sense of the “how”, and that is the real treasure of the book. It will help you to think in different ways, helping you to arrive at different outcomes. In the end, isn’t that why you read and learn?


Seth Godin


The Penguin Group



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