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The Total Money Makeover

As the economy finds ways of showing signs of recovery, the new trend is towards personal fiscal responsibility. Like awaking from a drunken stupor, Americans are realizing that debt is a millstone that is firmly affixed around our necks, threatening to keep us downtrodden and broke the rest of our lives. I know, I have been there.

What Dave talks about here makes way too much sense, and is so simple that sophisticated money managers tend to scoff at the content. However, wasn’t it those sophisticated guys that got us in trouble to begin with?

In simple steps Dave lays out how you can live a personally accountable, fiscally responsible life. It has had a tremendous impact on the way I view money as well as the stuff that I just thought I HAD to have.

If debt is getting in the way of living a truly purpose oriented, goal driven life, start with The Total Money Makeover. If you live the principles, let’s talk about how great you feel in a year—without the millstone.


Dave Ramsey


Thomas Nelson, Inc.



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