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What's Chip Reading?

Resilience (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)

Last month I reviewed Mindfulness, the first of 4 books in the Harvard Business Review’s Emotional Intelligence Series. As promised, this month I am reviewing the second book in this series: Resilience. We all know what it means to be resilient. We also may recognize resilience in ourselves and in others. What gives us the grit to bounce back and emerge from setbacks or even trauma? Most importantly, how can we become more resilient?

One of the items that particularly resonated with me was the chapter on Finding Coaching in Criticism. Many of my coaching clients are working on this. It is not always easy but it pays big dividends. The last chapter, “Resilience is About How you Recharge, Not Endure” is also a standout. How often do we stop working at 5pm only to spend the remainder of the night thinking about that proposal, that issue or that deal we are trying to land? We have to truly shut down our work brain to recharge our batteries and truly be ready for the next day.

Much like Mindfulness, Resilience is another short and easy read. I hope you enjoy it as much I did.


Daniel Goleman, Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld, and Shawn Achor


Harvard Business Review Press



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