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Thank you for submitting your Context Analysis! Please check your email for your complimentary white paper and a copy of your survey responses, then read below for more information.
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Your Answer:
The most successful individuals are aware of their values and are practicing them in both their personal and professional life.
If you rated this question as strongly disagree or disagree, this is a good sign that you are living your beliefs. What can you do to continue this path? If you rated this question as neutral, agree, or strongly agree, this is a sign you have work to do. First, are you aware of your values? If so, what is stopping you from living your values? Is the obstacle an easy fix or does it require long-term work? Take some time to understand the gap, why it exists and if now is the time to shrink that divide.
Your Answer:
One of the top complaints a leader has is that he or she doesn’t have enough time in the day. The most successful leaders have learned to prioritize and minimize distractions in order to effectively lead.
If you answered strongly agree or agree, this means you are likely getting lost in your to do list. This could be because you haven’t delegated, or perhaps you’re lacking clarity on where your time is best spent. Spend some time understanding how your time is used on a typical day, assessing the distractions and determining the best use of your time.
If you answered neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree, you’re confident that you are able to concentrate and prioritize your most important tasks. Focus on how to continue that pattern, and how to stick to this strength during times of turbulence.
Your Answer:
Most leaders have default patterns, and developing an awareness around them in critical. However, some behaviors provide consistency while others leave you feeling confined or trapped.
If you answered strongly agree or agree, you feel confined by your behaviors. This could stem from simply not understanding your behavioral style or what motivates you. This could also mean there are factors in your environment preventing you from behaving the way you wish. Spend some time understanding what behaviors you feel trapped by and why.
If you answered neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree, you likely have an awareness around your behaviors, positive and negative. However, just because you don’t feel confined by your behaviors doesn’t mean those behaviors aren’t beneficial to yourself or those around you. Examine if you have repeated behaviors and the effect they have.
Your Answer:
As we learned in question one, there shouldn’t be a disconnect between the real you and the professional you.
If you answered strongly disagree or disagree, ask yourself why you others don’t know the real you? Is it driven by fear? Are you subscribing to dated belief that you shouldn’t share too much about yourself to those you work with? Take some time to understand why others don’t know the real you, and find ways to begin to reveal your true you. Your people will appreciate knowing you as a real person.
If you answered neutral, agree, or strongly agree, continue to show vulnerability and authenticity in life and in your work. In turn, encourage others to do the same with you. This encourages a people-first mindset throughout your organization, one that is built on trust and truly enjoying each other’s presence.
Your Answer:
Many leaders mistakenly believe that in order to be perceived as successful, they must portray perfection.
If you answered strongly disagree or disagree, you understand the flaws in this theory. You know that being perfect, or pretending that you’re perfect, isn’t tied to success. Continue to think of perfection and success as separate entities. If you find yourself trying to achieve perfection, ask yourself if it’s because you have high standards for yourself or if you’re trying to put on a show.
If you answered neutral, agree, or strongly agree, recognize that success has nothing to do with perfection. In fact, some of history’s greatest leaders are far from perfect. By linking perfection and success, you’ve set yourself up for an impossible task. We are humans, therefore, never perfect. If perfection, in your mind, leads to success, you are mentally stopping yourself from being perfect. Instead of chasing perfection, look at your strengths – the areas you excel in. Focus on building those strengths but avoid the restraint of perfection.
Let’s take the next step in your leadership transformation.